Buffs for all the jobs that were behind! FFXIV 6.28 Patch Note Reading!



投稿 by admin
25 再生
I summarize the patch notes of 6.28 very briefly, and then go on to read and detail the balance changes of the patch. If you don't know all action names by heart, I also include a brief description of every action mentioned in the patch - and the video itself.

Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker - Cradle of Hope

00:00 Introduction and Quick Summary
00:45 Warrior
00:57 Reaper
01:11 Bard
01:22 Machinist
01:43 Black Mage
02:05 Summoner
02:24 Red Mage
02:42 Sage
02:55 PvP Dark Knight
03:06 PvP Gunbreaker
03:24 PvP Monk
03:35 PvP Ninja
03:46 PvP Bard and Machinist
04:01 PvP Dancer and Black Mage
04:13 PvP Summoner
04:27 PvP Red Mage
04:48 PvP White Mage
05:03 PvP Astrologian
ff14, ffxiv, final