Phasmophobia | Sunny Meadows



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32 再生
With two of us scheduled for an omicron booster, we had to suffer for two! whole! days! before feeling well enough to tackle the new Phasmophobia update! It was agony, but the developers really made all the waiting worth it. Join us as we run around the new lobby like a bunch of kids in a candy store, learn to use the new placement controls, take our first (and last?) steps in Sunny Meadows... and make friends with Betty in the staff room. Spoiler alert: her dance moves are killer.

Please note that most of this stream is played on custom difficulty with zero rewards. We were looking forward to playing Nightmare with item loss on death toggled off, since our main interest in this game is about the challenge of learning to figure out ghosts. The "punishment" of getting it wrong is sufficient to keep us playing without the need to stress about making back what we lose. We may change it up again at some point, but for the time being, this is a nice way to practice the strategies and knowledge we need for Nightmare without quite so much pain.

Original stream broadcast date: September 29th, 2022
Twitch livestreams, info, and schedule:
Twitch clips:
Livestream VODS:

Today's Ghost Hunting Team:

Arashikou / Sagi
DterminD / Raph (that's me!)
Solmare / Sol (

PNGTuber art:
Stream layout:
Chat channel indicator:
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Stream music provided by TeknoAXE ( (Used under CC BY 4.0 license: