The Culture of Eorzea! - PART 8 - The Naadam [FFXIV: Stormblood]



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In this episode we do a lot, but most importantly we keep spinning the Wheel of Hats for my followers!

The Culture of Eorzea is a livestream series in which we are conducting a light digital ethnography, or culture study, of Final Fantasy XIV by immersing ourselves into the game, interacting with its world and players, and recording observations for later use in analysis. By streaming my own experiences I am both providing a model for my students who wish to use it and fulfilling a long-time dream of mine by venturing into streaming!

I am a (new) community college professor and esports coach by trade, teaching classes on esports and video games. While my focus is mostly on competitive multiplayer games, there are exceptions with projects like this one.

As we progress through my courses and content you can expect to see all kinds of varied streams on the channel, and hopefully you'll learn a thing or two and look at games from a new perspective.

Take care of each other!