Early Maintenance, Season Early Graduation, Skippable Tutorial (BDO Sneak Peek, 23/24 August 2022)



投稿 by admin
42 再生
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Support Chris Poli Channel on Youtube Membership - https://bit.ly/34mBhOK

(BDO Global Lab, 12 Aug 2022) Any Update for Today Maintenance: https://youtu.be/iwXGz0zWIIM
TERRMIAN SUMMER 2022 FULL GUIDE, Free Summer Outfit: https://youtu.be/xv7ZJ7qkjDE
(BDO Global Lab, 05 Aug 2022) Huge Balancing Class: https://youtu.be/ckuw13mq9ig
(Summary Late Night Talk, 03 Aug 2022) Recap Upcoming Update: https://youtu.be/5aOYlAI2UK8
(BDO News, 3rd Week Aug 2022) Shell Belle Outfit Rework: https://youtu.be/Go3c0aSI2oQ
(BDO News, 3rd Week July 2022) Pearl Abyss Account Info: https://youtu.be/MM-ATiz-4Lg
(BDO Global Lab, 19 Aug 2022) Season Early Graduation Schedule: https://youtu.be/3evX3YnOJOk
Season Pass Full Guide: https://youtu.be/Fyf_du1kmW4
SEA Web Maintenance Notice 24 August 2022: https://bit.ly/3CsUf7Q

Join "Chris Poli Channel" Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7TAvnaP

Special Thanks To:
Gold Member:
- DubyaDude
- JimmySnakes
- Doki
- Angel
- Aeyrton
- Kesshouban
- Wammy
- TokenR42
- Demonyte
- Choz
- ThugWill Ch.
- Jack Morris
Silver Member:
- Loafie
- BenNike
Bronze Member:
- Ricky
- Alexandre
- Transatlanticize
- Isaac Nathanael
In-Active Member:
- Homie
- Jan-Andres Alvaro
- Zelusoz
- Zacrue
- RenegadesX
- Clouty
- MoonpieBDO
- Humeri
- Henry
- Populatus
- SusuKentalManis
- Dan L
- Fandorin
- Crowkshire
- Firdaus
- Art Aizen
- Tepan Gaming
- GimontFindingGF
- VIzsla
- AghanimScepter
- Remi-(AWJL)
- Platinia
- SkawColambia
- Nawaf
- SnikiBiki
- Agis_II (NA Guild)
- DavidJeonChuong
- EdwardMaboLim
- Trancestor
- LickyCleanies
- Soonuh
- Puuf
- Kinnsley
- LeeChamp
- Carlsenn
- LazyLeader
- MysticForest
- ThePirateBeowolf
- Charles
- Henry
- UpScale
- Kenny
- Preligrium
- Lowch
- Spartan (NA Guild)
- Doughnuts
- Ellion
- Bumaru
- CaptainSpock
- Leon Muhkuh
- Mansuru
- Miuse
- Ryusei
- Mr Joiner
- M. Owen
- Deffmond
- Pulv

Time Stamp:
00:00 Intro
00:09 Tips to Watch Any of Chris Poli's Video
00:30 SEA Server 24 Aug 2022 Maintenance Schedule Overview
01:41 Early Maintenance for NA/EU Server
02:11 Season Early Graduation
03:30 Move Field Boss Dim Tree location
03:56 Removed Some Object at Kamasylvia
04:32 Skippable Tutorial for New Char
05:02 Any Other Update for This Week
05:21 Ending Event
05:32 Ending Terrmian Event
06:33 [Ending Event] Unveil Your PvP Skills
06:53 [Ending Event] Something Stirs Within the Dark Rifts
07:24 [Ending Event] The D.A.S. is Looking for Talent
07:50 [Ending Event] Daily Rewards from the Dragon’s Hoard
08:04 [Ending Event] A Week of Special Rewards
08:26 [Ending Event] Worldwide Service Thank You Coupon
09:28 New Outfit (Wizard)
09:57 Upcoming New Outfit (Female Outfit Group)
10:53 Exchange Shell Belle Outfit (Female Armor Outfit)
11:42 Special Thanks for Direct Support
12:10 Support Chris Poli Channel on Patreon/KaryaKarsa/Youtube Membership
12:50 Ending

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BDO, Black, Desert