FFXIV - The Machinist | A Legendary Comeback! [FFXIV 6.3]



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17 再生
MACHINIST IS GREAT! Patch 6.3 was FANTASTIC for Machinist! Machinist has been a job I've loved for many years. Unfortunately Machinist has had a period of being significantly weaker than the other jobs in the same ranged physical DPS role, but that time is now OVER. Machinist I believe is the frontrunner of the ranged Physical DPS role. There is no denying with the Patch 6.3 machinist changes that it's VERY strong.

Let's explain why.

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0:00 Machinist is now Top Tier
0:27 Machinist Changes in Patch 6.3
0:44 The most important HP is the last 1
1:16 Damage Types in FFXIV are more relevant than ever
2:16 Machinist gets TWO ways to save the team
2:44 Why this better than most
6:11 Dismantle versus AOE Spam or Damage over Time Effects
8:11 Dismantle costs nothing to use no setup required
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